The socioeconomic impact of research-based innovations—implementation and long- term consequences of population-based childhood vaccine programs
Description: The purpose of the project is to investigate how research-based innovations – exemplified by childhood vaccination – affect social welfare through health, education and community participation in general. The project will also investigate how the childhood vaccination programme is implemented in the health sector and the perception of and support for the vaccination programme among various populations.
Grant recipient
Torben Tranæs, Research Director, ph.d. in Economics, VIVE.
Project start
2018 Team
Torben Tranæs
Professor Torben Tranæs is PI and responsible for the project being carried out with the highest methodological standards and academic rigor. Tranæs is executive director of research and professor at VIVE – The Danish Centre for Social Science Research and co-chairman of the Danish Economic Council. He has published extensively in recognized scientific journals on topics within labor economics, migration, education and criminology.
Jane Greve
Senior researcher Jane Greve is senior researcher at VIVE. She has a Ph.D. in Economics from Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University. She is a trained health economist with a primary research interest in health behaviors and causal inference in experimental and quasi-experimental settings. Jane has a long experience working with Danish registers and possess a solid understanding of the complexities of these data and how they are generated. She has been project leader on a large scale RCT’s and has more than ten years of experience in conducting and publishing results from impact studies.
Senior researcher Jane Greve will assist prof. Torben Tranæs in leading the full project. Furthermore, Jane will be leading work package 1 The impact of childhood vaccination on educational attainment and labor market productivity, and public welfare spending where she will also be participating researcher in all sub-projects.
Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen
Senior researcher Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen is a senior researcher at VIVE. She has a Ph.D. in Sociology from Copenhagen University. Her primary research interest lies within the fields of health and health behaviors studying socioeconomic determinants of health disparities from a health lifestyle perspective. Vibeke uses mainly quantitative research methods and has extensive experience using the Danish data registries. She has been project leader of several large research projects and was in 2012 awarded the title of Young Elite Researcher by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Vibeke will be leading work package 2 The impact of socioeconomic status on vaccine where she will be participating researcher in all sub-projects.
Marie Henriette Madsen
Researcher Marie Henriette Madsen is researcher at VIVE. She is master of public health science and holds a ph.d. in organizational studies from Copenhagen Business School. Marie’s primary research interest is the organization of health care sector and especially the translation of new treatment options or organizational ideas into clinical practices. Marie is an experienced qualitative researcher (interviews, observations, document analysis) with more than ten years’ experience with the performance and project management of research projects in different health care settings. Accordingly, she holds a solid knowledge of the health care sector and its organizations.
Marie Henriette Madsen will be leading the work package 3.